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Can I view my past orders?

Yes, but only if you create an account at checkout. Orders that pre-date your account creation will not show in the order history of your newly created account. Our support team can access order history based on order number, customer name, order

Rules and Exclusions for OneBlade promotions and discount codes

Here are a few key things you should know about OneBlade discounts and promotions:  * Discount codes cannot be combined with other discounts or promotions at checkout. This includes automatic refill products which are already discounted*. It also

Do you sell or give away my contact information?

Under no circumstances will we ever sell or give away your contact information.

What payment methods do you accept?

We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, Amazon Pay, and Apple Pay. We also offer payment plan options through Affirm.  Any payment data used for your order is encrypted and secure. Our online checkout is PCI compliant and uses Secure Socket Layer

Is your checkout secure?

Yes. To help ensure that your shopping experience is safe, simple, and secure, our online checkout is PCI compliant and uses Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology (via Shopify). This encrypts and protects the data you send us over the Internet.